Monday, July 13, 2009

I’ve had the opportunity to meet people across the state of Montana over the past few months, from Helena to Billings, and Butte to the Blackfeet Reservation in Browning and many places in between. I’ve been very inspired by the people I’ve met and the stories I’ve heard. I listened to a woman from Helena who told me that the Arthritis Foundation’s exercise class is a big reason why she is still able to walk in her early 90’s; I talked to a Rheumatologist who talked about how beneficial the Arthritis Foundation’s support groups have been for his patients; A woman in Butte talked about her brother and how his local chapter had given them both information about nutrition that made a huge difference in his life.

All of theses stories and more really solidify the good work the Arthritis Foundation does for people with arthritis as well as for family members of people with arthritis. I’m excited to continue this work here in Montana and work on expanding the number of people we can reach and help. I look forward to expanding our Exercise and Aquatic classes to more communities across this big state and being a resource for people around the state. I encourage folks here in Montana to give me a call at 406.461.8368 to talk about ways the Arthritis Foundation, Rocky Mountain Chapter can help serve your needs.

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