Thursday, February 19, 2009

Commitment to a Cure

The Southern Colorado Office of the Arthritis Foundation Rocky Mountain Chapter is only a few weeks away from our First Annual Commitment to a Cure Luncheon. This year’s lunch is being held at the Crowne Plaza – Colorado Springs on Thursday, March 12 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. We are anticipating over 150 attendees who will hopefully be inspired to give and help move the Arthritis Foundation mission forward.

This year’s lunch will feature Dr. Ron Royce from Front Range Orthopaedics speaking about how to manage your arthritis and how to know when it might be time for surgery. Also, guests of this event will hear from Kris Harty, a woman living with Arthritis, who likes to tell people despite what she was told growing up after her diagnosis; “she did it anyway.” And last but not least, the group will hear from Kara Gramlich. Kara is a senior at Lewis Palmer High School in Monument, Colorado; she was diagnosed with arthritis when she 10 years old. Her diagnosis did not stop her, but inspired her to move more and reach out to others with Arthritis.

If you have more questions or would like to attend, please contact Cary Bement-Kelly at 719-520-5711 or

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